1. Stagnation of Heart Blood
Chief Manifestations: Localized stabbing chest pain aggravated at night, palpitation, restlessness, dark purple tongue, and deep and unsmooth pulse.
2. Obstruction of Turbid Phlegm
Chief Manifestations: Suffocative sensation in the chest, chest pain radiating toward the shoulder and back, shortness of breath, general heavy sensation, obesity, profuse sputum, turbid and greasy tongue coating, and smooth pulse.
3. Accumulation of Yin Cold
Chief Manifestations: Chest pain radiating to the back aggravated by cold, feeling of oppression in the chest, palpitation, shortness of breath with inability to lie flat in severe cases, pale complexion, extremely cold limbs, white tongue coating, and deep and thready pulse.
4. Yin Deficiency of the Heart and Kidney
Chief Manifestations: Chest pain and oppression, restlessness, insomnia, palpitation, night sweating, lumbago, weak waist and knees, dizziness, tinnitus, red tongue with ecchymosis, and thready and rapid or thready and unsmooth pulse.
5. Deficiency of Oi and Yin
Chief Manifestations: Feeling of oppression in the chest, shortness of breath, paroxysmal dull pain in the chest which is aggravated by exertion, palpitation, lassitude, dizziness, reddish tongue with teeth marks, and thready and weak, slow-irregular or intermittent pulse.
6.Deficiency of Yang Qi
Chief Manifestations: Feeling of oppression in the chest, shortness of breath, chest pain radiating toward the back, palpitation, sweating, aversion to cold, cold limbs, pale complexion, pale or purple lips, nails and tongue, deep and thready or deep and indistinct pulse.