Classical Chinese medicine considers the affliction of OCD an energy dysfunction of the kidneys and how the Spirits or that which nourishes the Spirits is hindered. As mentioned in the Ling Shu: "When there is apprehension and anxiety, worry and preoccupation attack the Spirits. When the Spirits are attacked, under the effect of fear and fright, there is a flowing out, there is a spilling over that cannot be stopped." The Kidney is considered the root of all fear based afflictions as it stores the Essence or Jing (life force), the Essence generates Qi and Qi generates Spirit. When this cycle is interrupted the Kidney allows Fear to rise which can result in creating deep emotional distress which includes symptoms of OCD.
Strengthening the kidneys could be a first approach working such points as: KI3 located between the inner ankle bone and the Achilles tendon; KI6 will tonify Kidney Yin which in the case of OCD is also out of balance. This point is located on the outer ridge of the middle foot; KI7 tonifies Kidney Yang the other side of Yin that needs to be re-aligned, located just above the outer ankle. Although these points are all within a similar radius many other acupuncture points throughout the body will calm Shen (mind-spirit), ease depression associated with OCD as well as quiet the mind so as to be able to concentrate on a direct, linear focus rather than a firestorm of constant repetitiveness.