To explore the meridian-acupoints application characteristics and principles by analyzing contemporary RCT reports related to acupuncture for depression.
We selected RCT articles reporting acupuncture treatment for depression in recent 15 years,based on which an acupuncture prescription database was established to analyze the meridian-acupoints application characteristics and principles by means of data excavation.

According to data mining and association analysis,it manifested that emphasis was grounded on acupoint selection along related meridians, with a preponderance to apply acupoints on the Du-Governing meridian. Moreover, the frequently utilized points are commonly located on the head,face and neck. It focused at the combination of local and distal acupoint selection methods; the Baihui (DU 20) point is most frequently applied. These converging points and five shu-points are extensively used in clinic.
By data mining and association analysis, it is the predominant principle to select acupoints along related meridians to manage depression according to several contemporary RCT articles. Besides, application of specific acupoints prevails among all the acupuncture prescription for depression.Lastly, all results above show that it is feasible to apply data excavation to analyze the meridian-acupoints application traits and laws and its conclusion may act as guidance to acupuncture clinical practice.