The therapy works by creating suction on the skin that pulls the underlying tissues upward as opposed to the downward pressure of a 'regular massage'. This helps to release tension in the muscles and pull toxins and excessive fluid from the tissues. It increases blood circulation which provides more oxygen to skin and muscles that may have been stagnant, while stimulating the peripheral nervous system. It can help to smooth away knots in softer tissues and loosen adhesions. Some find it helpful in treating cellulite or with skin or muscles that may have slight atrophy.
Massages usually take from 15 to 20 minutes, includes suction time (the amount of time the cups are left on the skin) of about 5 minutes and a relaxation time of 15 minutes, culminating in a total of around 40 minutes. The cups are used mostly on the broad expanse of the back but can be used on the thighs, hips, shoulders, neck, calves, abdomen, sacral areas and upper arms. Many of the key areas for placement are the same as acupuncture or acupressure points and therapists use a variety of techniques as well. The two core techniques are stationary and moving with both being sometimes accompanied by the use of oils, aromatherapy, liniments and/or analgesics.
Recipients of cupping therapy report a feeling of deep relaxation in the muscles, warmth and tingling long after the therapy has ended and reddening of the skin indicative of the increase of circulation produced by the treatment. There should be no discomfort and if there is, the therapist should be told immediately so that the cups can be removed.
The many benefits of this massage include lowered blood pressure, complete body relaxation, a decrease in pains and cellulite, relief of tiredness and muscle aches, improved concentration, range of motion and flexibility, enhanced skin tone and strengthening of the immune system, just to name a few.