Nephrotic syndrome is divided into four syndromes of accumulation of dampness due to the spleen asthenia, yang deficiency of the spleen and kidney, yin deficiency of the liver and kidney as well as deficiency of both qi and yin according to the medical history, state of edema and general symptoms in syndrome differentiation. The commonly-seen symptoms of accumulation of dampness due to the spleen asthenia include edema of limbs and the body, poor appetite, loose stools, lassitude, hypodynamia, sallow complexion, cold limbs, scanty urine, etc.
Yang deficiency of the spleen and kidney is marked by high degree edema, possibly accompanied by the symptoms of yang deficiency like hydrothorax, ascites, scanty urine, abdominal distension, listlessness, aversion to cold and cold limbs; the commonly-seen symptoms of yin deficiency of both the liver and kidney include facial edema, severe edema of lower limbs, dysphoria with feverish chest, palms and soles, headache, vertigo, mental restlessness, irritability, red tongue with a little fur, taut-thready and rapid pulse etc. ; deficiency of both qi and yin manifests inapparent edema, lustreless complexion, listlessness, hypodynamia, short breath without the desire for speaking, susceptibility to common cold, dry mouth and throat and red tongue with a little fur.