1. Cold-phlegm obstructing the lungs
Symptoms: cough with shortness of breath, chest distension, white thin phlegm, fatigue, white and greasy tongue coating.
2. Hot-phlegm obstructing the lungs
Symptoms: cough with shortness of breath, yellow thick phlegm, dry stool, dark urine, dry mouth, yellow and greasy tongue coating.
3. Lung and kidney qi deficiency
Symptoms: narrow and shallow breath, difficult to lie on the back, cough, white and thin phlegm, choking sensation in chest, palpitation, sweating, light coating.
4. Yang deficiency of kidney and spleen
Symptoms: face and limb swellings, palpitation, breath with cough, thin phlegm when coughing, aversion to cold, waist knee soreness and weakness, clear abundant urine, thin sloppy stool, white coating.
Other symptoms of cor pulmonale may include:
1. Swelling of the ankles and feet
2. Enlargement or prominent neck
3. Raised jugular venous pressure
4. Enlargement of the liver
5. Bluish discoloration of the skin
6. Shortness of breath
7. Wheezing
8. Chronic wet cough
9. Swelling of the abdomen with fluid