Treatment of Synovitis
If a joint bleeds more than three times in one month, or if you have any of the symptoms listed above, call your HTC. The medical team will start a treatment plan that may include one or more of these:
Prophylactic treatment with factor. Regular factor treatment will help prevent further bleeding. This will give the synovial membrane a chance to return to normal.
Oral steroids. These are drugs that reduce inflammation. They are a short-term treatment to be used for only a week or two. Steroids are not used often because they can cause other problems in your body.
Physical therapy (PT). This can reduce your pain, strengthen your joint and muscles, and prevent loss of motion in the joint.
Arthroscopic synovectomy. In this surgery, the inflamed part of the synovial membrane is removed. This will not improve your range of motion but can reduce further bleeding and joint destruction.
Radionuclide synovectomy. A radioactive substance is injected into the joint. The low level radiation melts away the inflamed synovium.