Its source is from the dried entire herb of the perennial herbaceous plant, Asarum heterotropoides Fr. Schmidt var. mandshuricum (Maxim) Kitag., and A. sieboldii Miq., family Aristolochiaceae. The Medicinal material is collected in summer and autumn, dried in shade and the crude form is used for medication.
Medicinal Properties:
Pungent in flavor, warm in nature, mildly toxic and attributive to the lung, kidney and heart meridians.
Expel wind and dispel cold, remove the obstruction of the nose, relieve pain and warm the lung to remove the retention of fluids.
1.For exterior syndrome of wind-cold type manifested as headache and general pain.
2. It is indicated for headache, toothache, Bi-syndrome of wind-cold-dampness type, etc.. For wind-syndrome of headache.
3. For retention of cold in the lung, cough with plenty of thin and clean sputum.
4. For the obstruction of nose, headache, and episodes of running nose.