Medicinal Properties: Pungent and bitter in flavor, slightly warm in nature, and attributive to the lung and heart meridians.
Actions: Tranquilize the mind, eliminate phlegm for resuscitation and dissipate the carbuncles.
1. It is used for irritability, palpitation due to fright, insomnia and amnesia, it is usually used together with Renshen ( Radix Ginseng), Fushen ( Parasita Poriae) and Shichangpu (Rhizoma Acori Graminei), such as Anshen Dingzhi Wan (Pill).
2. For confusion of the mind by phlegm manifested as mental confusion, absentmindedness and epilepsy due to fright, it is usually combined with Shichangpu (Rhizoma Acori Graminei ) , Yujin (Radix Curcumae ) , etc.
3. For cough with excessive phlegm that is difficult to cough out, it is combined with Xingren ( Semen Armeniacae Amarum), Jiegeng (Radix Platycodi), and Gancao (Radix Glycyrrhizae ) , etc..
4. For large carbuncle and pain of the breast, it can be used no matter whether the syndrome is due to cold, heat, asthenia or sthenia. It can be ground into powder that is taken alone with millet wine, or that is mixed for external application.
Usage and Dosage: 3 - 10 g is used in decoction. Just right amount is for external use.
Notes: It is used with caution in patients who suffer from ulcer and gastritis.