We once heard from some practitioners of feng shui, that pastel shades are not effective in this technique. This is absolutely false. It is true that a bright red, dark blue or dark green immediately denote the presence of a rooted Qi and therefore its impact is stronger at first glance, but this does not mean we should use these colour patterns in a house to have good feng shui. Of course in most cases it is better to opt for a base of pastel or neutral shades, and later use intense tones where needed. Pastel colours are basically more ethereal and spiritual and more ethereal and strong colors are more physical. If you read some old text on Qi, prana and health, you can easily find associations between strong colours and a "etheric" unrefined whole, contrary to what the brighter tones represent. It is possible that some will not agree with these observations, given the latent subjectivity in assessing the quality of something like a colour.
If we study the aesthetics of modern operating systems, one of the virtual windows that we increasingly more use, you will verify that through the years the evolution of aesthetics is oriented towards the Aqua effects, transparencies, brilliance and luminosity. The future evolution of the colour tends toward clarity and brilliance, not to the opacity and heaviness.
Any physicist would show you that the color is adjusted to precise patterns of wavelength. Its infinite combinations are an essential part of art. Possibly the colour will turn in the future into a health and advanced psychology science. Techniques such as colour therapy used in natural medicine, or the use of lasers in medicine, are evidence of the possibilities of light and color.