This is a disease with flaccidity and weakness of muscles, and sometimes complete muscular atrophy.
Muscular atrophy in multiple neuritis acute myelitis, and progressive myotrophy in modern medicine can be treated by the following methods.
Applications of hand therapy:
Acupuncture therapy:
At regular and extra acupoints:
Location: Quchi (L1 11), Waiguan (TE5), Shousanli (LI 10) and Hegu (LI 4) acupoints.
Method of manipulation: The needles are inserted and retained for 30 minutes.
At reflective areas:
Location: The reflective areas of the affected limbs in dorsal reflective areas and ulnar or radial reverse dorsal reflective areas.
Method of manipulation: The needles are shallowly inserted, but not retained.
At special acupoints beside the second metacarpal bone:
Location: The location is determined according to the location of the lesion. For example, in injury to upper limb, the upper limb acupoint is used; and in injury to lower limb, the lower limb acupoint is used.
Method of manipulation: The needles are inserted for 1.6 cm and retained for 30 minutes after strong needling stimulation.
Hand bath:
Recipe: Cortex Phellodendri (HuangBai) 150 g, Chinemys reevesii (Guiban) 120g, Rhizoma Anemarrhenae (Zhimu) 30 g, Citrus aurantium (Chenpi) 60 g, Radix Paeoniae Alba (Baishaoyao), Cynomorium coccineum (Suoyang) 30 g, Drynaria frotunei (Gusuibu) 20 g, and dried ginger 30 g.
Function: To tone yin, suppress fire pathogen, and strengthen muscle and bone.
Method of manipulation: A hot decoction of these herbs is used to steam and then wash both hands for 30 minutes, twice a day. It is best to do a foot bath at the same time.