In the preparalytic stage, the child may suffer from fever, cough, red throat, and general muscular pain. This is often accompanied by vomiting and diarrhea and flaccid muscles and weak limbs. In the later stages, the significant symptoms are muscular atrophy and bone deformity.
Applications of hand therapy:
Acupuncture therapy:
At regular and extra acupoints:
Location: According to the involved limbs, Quchi (LI 11), Waiguan (TE5), Hegu (LI 4) for paralysis of upper limb; and Quchi and Houxi (SI 3) acupoints for paralysis of lower limb. The paralytic limbs should be either actively or passively moved during application of acupuncture.
Method of manipulation: The medium stimulation is applied and the needles are not retained.
At special acupoints beside the second metacarpal bone:
Location: According to the involved limbs, upper limb acupoint is used for paralysis of upper limb, and leg acupoint and waist acupoint are used for paralysis of lower limb.