Syncope may be due to a variety of causes, including disturbances in the activities of Qi or blood, emotional upset or postural changes. In CM, according to the causative factors, syncope may be classified into the following categories: Qi syncope, blood (circulation) syncope, Phlegm syncope, Summer Heat syncope and food retention syncope. Qi and blood syncope, especially of the strength type, account for most of the cases.
Qi Syncope: In a person with constitutionally abundant Qi sudden emotional upset, such as anger, fright or terror, may induce abnormal ascent of Qi, which in turn blocks the clear orifices and induces syncope. Conversely, in a person with constitutionally deficient genuine Qi strong grief or sadness or overstrain may prevent pure Yang from ascending. This compromises nourishment of the mind and may precipitate syncope.
Blood Syncope: In a patient with constitutionally abundant liver-Yang rage can induce Qi and blood to move erratically. In such circumstances the abnormal ascent of Qi and blood may block the clear orifices, leading to syncope. Alternately, if blood is insufficient, whether due to chronic illness or to massive bleeding, then Qi and blood are unable to reach the clear orifices; in this situation, syncope can also ensue.
Phlegm Syncope: Obese persons often have Qi deficiency. Overindulgence by such a person in alcoholic drinks and greasy, spicy or sweet foods can easily injure the spleen and stomach. Dampness can then accumulate and give rise to Phlegm, and Phlegm can impede Qi movement. In such circumstances rage may cause Qi to move erratically. Phlegm then follows ascending Qi and can block the clear orifices, resulting in syncope.
If you have the Symptoms of Epilepsy--Fainting (Syncope), we would say herbal medicine is a safe and effective form of treatment. At TCM Window, we offer relaxing treatments and expert guidance through the whole process. We specialize in different kinds of chronic and difficult miscellaneous diseases, we offer the best possible care in a peaceful and welcoming environment. If you would want our expert to create a TCM diagnosis, please fill out the health form as requested.