Dysuria is the feeling of pain, burning, or discomfort upon urination. Although dysuria frequently indicates the presence of a urinary tract infection (UTI), it can have a variety of causes. Dysuria should always trigger a visit to a health-care professional for evaluation and diagnosis. Infection of the urinary tract (urethra, bladder, or kidneys) is the most common cause of dysuria. The most common type of infections are cystitis (bladder infection), pyelonephritis (kidney infection), prostatitis (prostate infection), and urethritis (inflammation of the tube, the urethra, that drains the bladder to the outside of the body). Sexually transmitted diseases can also produce symptoms of dysuria.
If you have this medical problem, we would say herbal medicine is a safe and effective form of treatment. At TCM Window, we offer relaxing treatments and expert guidance through the whole process. We specialize in different kinds of chronic and difficult miscellaneous diseases, we offer the best possible care in a peaceful and welcoming environment. If you would want our expert to create a TCM diagnosis, please fill out the health form as requested.