Inspection of complexion includes the changes of the color and luster of the facial skin. The visceral essence flows to the face. So the facial color and luster are the signs of visceral essence. The facial skin is soft and thin, the luster is visible and easy to observe. Therefore the inspection of complexion is an important part of inspection examination.
The colors of the facial skin are red, white, blue, yellow and black. The changes of these colors can reveal pathological changes of viscera of different nature. The luster of skin refers to the bright, moist or dull and dry manifestations which can reveal the states of the visceral essence. So, inspection of the changes of facial luster can enable one to understand the states of visceral essence, the nature of diseases, the conditions and development of diseases.
1. Normal complexion:
The normal and healthy complexion is ruddy and lustrous, indicating exuberance of visceral essence and normal functions of the viscera. Due to difference in constitution and the influence of climatic and environmental factors, the normal complexion is further divided into dominant complexion and varied complexion.
Dominant complexion:
Refers to the color of the skin and face that never changes due to racial and constitutional factors.
Varied complexion
Refers to the changes of the facial and skin color in correspondence to the variations of the seasons and climates. For example, the complexion is slightly bluish in the spring, reddish in the summer, yellowish in the late summer, and whitish in the autumn and blackish in the winter. Varied complexion is temporary and unclear. Besides, drinking liquor, excitement and sports activity may also lead to the changes of complexion. But these changes are not morbid.
2. Morbid complexion
Facial color during the course of disease is called morbid complexion marked by dry and dull color, or obvious bright color, or a single color alone. The key point in inspecting morbid complexion is to differentiate favorable and unfavorable manifestations of the five kinds of color and the diseases manifested by these five kinds of color.
Favorable and unfavorable manifestations of the five kinds of color:
Bright and moist color, no matter what color it is, indicates mild illness, normal condition of the visceral essence, easiness to cure and better prognosis. While dull and dry color is malignant color and indicates serious illness, impairment of the visceral essence, difficulty to cure and unfavorable prognosis.