Garlic can help to bring down blood pressure. This ancient herb also helps to decrease excessive levels of cholesterol and triglycerides, which protects the heart. Take 500 milligrams three times daily.
Hawthorn berry is one of the most broadly prescribed herbal medicines in Europe. This herb brings down high blood pressure, lowers blood cholesterol, and helps regulate heart function. Choose a standardized extract containing 1.8 percent vitexin-2 rhamnosides and take 100 to 200 milligrams two or three a day.
Parsley is a natural diuretic and is also high in potassium, which is known to reduce elevated blood pressure. Take 500 milligrams twice a day for one week out of each month. Continue this program for six months.
Siberian ginseng is especially helpful if you have high blood pressure and also suffer from fatigue. Choose a standardized extract containing 0.5 percent eleutheroside E and take 100 milligrams daily, in the morning.
Note: Do not substitute Chinese (Korean) or American ginseng for Siberian ginseng. You should not use Chinese or American ginseng if you have high blood pressure.