Varicose veins result from high blood pressure in the superficial veins lying close to the skin, and a poorly functioning valve that is supposed to regulate blood flow back upward to the heart. There are two other kinds of deeper veins that also move the blood. The condition mostly affects those who have to stand, sit, and bend for a long time, such as teachers, office worker, physical laborers, even athletes. Those with a family history of varicose veins are at risk, as are obese people and those who do not exercise. Because of their wider pelvis, women have more twisted veins in the lower body, and are at risk. Pregnant women also are at risk. During pregnancy, the fetal weight presses veins in the pelvis and affects blood in the legs. The condition often clears up after childbirth, but some women continue to have problems.
Varicose veins attributed to three causes in TCM
Accumulation of Cold and Damp
Qi Deficiency and Blood Stagnation
Accumulation of Heat and Damp