Veins that lie just beneath the skin surface are referred to as "superficial veins" while the veins found deep inside the muscles are referred to as "deep veins". Other veins, called "communicating veins", connect the superficial and deep veins, allowing blood to flow between them. The superficial veins in the legs are the most common place for varicose veins to occur – due mainly to incompetent vein junctions in the upper thigh, behind the knee and in the calf muscle. However they can occur in other areas of the body such as the pelvic region and the rectal area (haemorrhoids). Varicose veins usually develop between the ages of 30 and 60 years and tend to worsen with age.
Symptoms and Signs of Varicose veins in TCM:
1. Accumulation of Cold and Damp
Main symptoms: Varicose veins are combined with heavy extremities and distension, blue or purple veins, chronic copious urine, loose stools, white greasy tongue coating, and thin slow pulse.
2. Qi Deficiency and Blood Stagnation
Main symptoms: Chronic physical weakness or Qi deficiency, purple veins, achy, but not distended, fatigue, shortness of breath, pale complexion, pale tongue coating, and weak pulse.
3. Accumulation of Heat and Damp
Main symptoms: Varicose veins are combined with red, swollen legs, veins are hot and burning fever, bitter taste in the mouth, irregular bowel movements, red with yellow greasy coating, rapid pulse.
Main symptoms of varicose veins
Acra ulcer
Venous bleeding
Skin ecchymosis
Skin pigment deepening
Limb superficial varinose veins
Varicose ulcer
Ankle edema
Main complications of varicose veins
Stasis dermatitis
Skin pigmentation
Ecthyma legs