Benefits of Chinese medicine for male fertility:
Chinese medicine regulates the balance of the organs, the balance of Qi and blood, and improves the body immunity. When the physiological function of reproductive system is enhanced, people have changces to chances tto conceive.
There are a couple of advantages to using traditional Chinese herb medicine as an approach to improving male fertility. Chinese herbal therapy stimulates the body’s natural healing potential by treating root causes rather than just the symptoms. Chinese herbs decrease undesired side affects and accumulated toxicity. For men, Chinese herbs are used to increase sperm counts and improve the motility of sperm for improved rates of conception. Up to now we have treated 12133 cases of male infertility by our Chinese medicine. Many of them have had successful treatment within one or two years.
If you have been suffering from this disease for quite a long time, and you have failed to find solutions from western medicine. You're welcome to contact us, we'll be ready to give you advice or guidance on TCM treatment.