1. Pattern of Kidney Yin Deficiency
Main symptoms: seminal emission, slow mobility, low count, thick sticky semen from Heat, lack of fluids, nights sweats, anxiety, irritable, fidgety.
2. Liver Qi stagnation
Main symptoms: Liver meridian blockage in the local area (genital) makes it difficult to ejaculate, related with impotence and low libido, stress, fatigue.
3. Pattern of Kidney Yang Deficiency
Main symptoms: low libido, weak ejaculation, impotence, seminal emission, low sperm count, slow motility, coldness, fatigue, pale bright face, copious clear urine.
4. Damp-Heat in low Jiao
Main symptoms: alcohol and diet leads to this condition, generally overweight, sperm count is low, may be sperm deformities, scanty urine, fullness in hypogastrium.
5. Qi and Blood deficiency
Main symptoms: worry, over-thinking, stress, chronic illness, impotence, low sperm count, short sperm life, slow mobility.
Main symptoms of male infertility
Low sperm vitality
Low sperm survival rate
Few sperm
Main complications of male infertility
Testis malformation
Injury of testis
Testis inflammation
spermaduct obstruction
Reproductive tract infections
Sexual dysfunction