Syndrome differentiation and treatment
Clinically, the disease is usually classified into the syndromes of excessive fire of the liver and gallbladder, phlegm-fire with wind disturbance, stagnation of live qi, yin deficiency and yang hyperactivity, and asthenia cold of the liver and stomach. The treatment of the disease, on one hand, should be to remove the pathogenic factors andcure the principal symptoms and, on the other hand, special attention must be paid to the improving of blood circulation, opening sweat pore, dispersing of obstruction and stagnation, contracting of the pupil so that the symptoms can be immediately relieved and the eyesight protected.
1. Syndrome of Excessive Fire of the Liver and Gallbladder
Main Symptoms and Signs: Acute onset, headache, ocular swelling involving orbit, rapid deterioration of vision or even blindness, ciliary or bulbar conjunctival hyperemia, fog-like pancorneal opacity, platycoria, lightgreen pupil, hard eyeball or even stonily swollen, and accompanied by nausea, vomiting, or fever with aversion to cold, yellowish urine and constipation; reddish tongue with yellowish coating and thready rapid pulse.
Therapeutic Methods: Removing heat and fire and calming endopathic wind by cooling the liver.
2. Syndrome of Phlegm-fire with Wind Disturbance
Main Symptons and Signs: Acute onset, distending eyes and head, ophthalmalgia, platycoria, light green pupil, turgid eyeball, full and oppressed sensation in the chest and stomach, nausea, vomiting, frequent vertigo, yellowish urine and constipation; reddish tongue with yellowish greasy coating and thready-slippery-rapid pulse.
Therapeutic Methods: Removing phlegm-fire and calming endopathic wind from the Liver.
3. Syndrome of Stagnation of Liver Qi
Main Symptoms and Signs: Serious frontal headache on the sick side, unbearable distending pain of eye, platycoria, vision diminishment, hard eyeball, accompanied by emotional disturbance, oppressed chest, eructation, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting and bitter taste in the mouth; reddish tongue with yellowish coating and thready rapid pulse.
Therapeutic Methods: Dispersing stagnated liver by removing heat and lowering adverse qi to regulate stomach.
4. Syndrome of Yin Deficiency and Yang Hyperactivity
Main Symptoms and Signs: Distending pain of head and eye, platycoria, dim eyesight, hard eyeball, restlessness and sleeplessness, dry mouth and throat, vertigo and tinnitus; reddish tongue with little coating and thready rapid pulse.
Therapeutic Methods: Nourishing yin to remove fire and calming endopathic wind from the liver.
5. Syndrome of Asthenia Cold of Liver and Stomach
Main Symptoms and Signs: In addition to the ocular symptoms, acute attack with symptoms of severe headache and ophthalmalgia involving vertex, retching with saliva, poor appetite, tiredness and cold limbs; pale tongue with whitish coating and thready pulse.
Therapeutic Method: Warming the liver and stomach to lower adverse qi and arrest pain.