Hemoptysis is the medical term for coughing out blood or spitting blood or bloody sputum. The blood comes from the respiratory tract, generally from the throat or air passages or lungs. TCM believe when there is blood being expectorated from the respiratory tract the condition is known as Hemoptysis. The sputum of blood, which is expectorated, is very different from the blood, which is expectorated from the gastronomical tract and throat. This disease is also known as Coughing up blood and Bloody sputum. The mucus which is expectorated may be bright red in color or rusty; depending on the condition. There are many reasons for this and they include "Blood clot in the lung,
Bronchiectasis, Bronchitis, Cancer, Cystic fibrosis, Violent coughing, Laryngitis,
Pneumonia, Pulmonary edema,
Tuberculosis or Systemic lupus erythematosus".