Expert ReplyCondition analysis:
Without intervention, 71% of Bell’s Palsy patients have a complete recovery after 1 year, 13% have a slight residual weakness, and 16% have fair to poor recovery (Peitersen, 1982). Research has not been able to determine why some patients recover and some do not. At The Center, we educate you at the onset of symptoms and then initiate interventions to give you the best opportunity for full recovery.
Black seed oil: You should intake this oil internally. This Bell’s Palsy Home Remedy will reduce the swelling in the face and nerves. Also it will help you to recover all damaged nerves. Black seed oil also will help you to improve the circulation.
Garlic: Garlic has ability to relief you from the pain and swelling caused by the Bell’s palsy. Also it is stimulating the facial nerves because is enhancing the blood circulation. Make a mixture of garlic. You should crush three gloves of garlic. Mix these gloves with one teaspoon olive oil. You should swallow this mixture twice per day. You should do this Bell’s Palsy Home Remedy until your health condition gets improved. Also you can consume 3-4 raw garlic to reduce the pain caused by Bell’s palsy.