Health DescriptionHealth Consultation Description: can any doctor in Milwaukee diagnose the cause of my proctits, my GI doctor says we cannot find out the cause of proctitis but the CDC website says the treatment plan should be based on the cause of
Proctitis(whether it is caused by any bacterial infection).
Expert ReplyCondition analysis:
If a GI Doctor can not tell you the cause, this may not be due to infection ( which he must have noticed).
I hope you have gone through the endoscopy of the area in the form of at least anoproctoscopy, sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy.
It would have been better for us, if you would have noted the exact symptoms you have and any history related to this.
Rectum per se is an organ which does not have sensitivity. Many patients with the symptoms of proctitis can in fact be suffering from descending perinial syndrome, or anxiety causing perceived pain and the list goes on.
Please post the nature of pain and the associated symptoms you have .
Treatment for proctitis varies depending on severity and the cause. For example, the physician may prescribe antibiotics for proctitis caused by bacterial infection. If the proctitis is caused by Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis, the physician may prescribe the drug 5-aminosalicyclic acid (5ASA) or corticosteroids applied directly to the area in enema or suppository form, or taken orally in pill form. Enema and suppository applications are usually more effective, but some patients may require a combination of oral and rectal applications.
Another treatment available is that of fiber supplements such as Metamucil. Taken daily these may restore regularity and reduce pain associated with Proctitis.