Do you feel the urge to go to the washroom more often than others do? If you do, then you may suffer from a common problem known as frequent urination or urinary incontinence. Under normal circumstances, your bladder should be able to store urine till you visit the toilet to intentionally evacuate the bladder. It is absolutely normal for you to urinate anywhere between 4 and 8 times a day. However, if you experience the urge to urinate more than 8 times a day or if you need to get up a couple of times in the middle of the night just to go to the washroom, it could mean that you are either consuming too much water in the day, or that you suffer from an underlying health problem that has affected the strength and functioning of your bladder.
Causes of Frequent UrinationBenign Prostatic HyperplasiaBladder CancerBladder InfectionCongestive Heart FailureCystoceleDiabetes (Type 1 and Type 2)Diabetes InsipidusFibromyalgiaInterstitial CystitisMultiple MyelomaOveractive BladderProstate CancerUrinary IncontinenceUrinary Tract Infection (UTI In Adults) Home Remedies for Frequent Urination-- Cranberry juice is an excellent home remedy for frequent urination. Consume a glass of fresh cranberry juice everyday while suffering from infection. It offers relief from the frequent urination.-- Mixture of juice of basil leaves and honey taken daily in the morning on an empty stomach helps fight the infections if any. It is also good for curing frequent urination.-- One should take lots of fresh unflavored yogurt everyday as it is known for its therapeutic effect on the urinary infections. It checks growth of bacteria that might be the cause of urinary infections.-- Take lots of water throughout the day as any dehydration can pose more severe threat to your system. It helps flushing out toxins from the human body.-- Apart from these Kegel exercises is also a good practice for the frequent urinations. This exercises helps in strengthening pelvic muscles and provides you good control of urinary bladder.