Form 18: Finishing Form
1) Carrying on from the previous movement, change the right fist into a palm then split both palms with the body sinking down slightly. Bend the knees and relax the hips. Eyes look forward. (Figure 4-82)
Key Requirements to the Movement:
While both palms are splitting and the body is sinking down, keep the back upright and do not bend the waist. During this movement breathe in.
2) Carry on to split both hands to both sides of the body and bring them up to shoulder level and then turn both the palms over so they are facing downward, ending in front of both shoulders. Eyes look forward. (Figure 4-83)
Key Requirements to the Movement:
While both hands rise up, relax your shoulders and sink the elbow down with the muscles on the chest, abdomen, back and every other part of the body remaining relaxed and sunken. During this movement carry on breathing in. Click here to learn Tuberculous Pleuritis in TCM.
3) Press both palms down along both sides of the body and end when the) are resting at the side of the body. Eyes look forward. (Figure 4-84)
Key Requirements to the Movement:
While pressing both palms down, breathe out and relax the whole body. The Qi energy will return back to the Dantian (lower abdomen) and the body along with the spirit will become one entity. When you finish the whole series of movements, the heart should be quiet and the breathing should be smooth. The movements are continuous and harmonious, with the Qi energy flowing throughout the whole exercise.
4) Return the body slowly to the normal standing position. Eyes look forward and the practice of Taijiquan is completed. (Figure 4-85)
This ends the 18 Short Forms.