Form 12: Kick with the Left Heel
1) Carry on from the previous movement. Move the left palm out to the forward left with the arm rotating counter clockwise slightly and the palm facing out, rotate the right arm clockwise with the palm facing out. At the same time, transfer the weight to the left leg, whilst lifting your right foot up, and then move it out to the right side in a large step. (Figure 4-52)
2) Change both hands into fists and keep them softly closed, whilst moving and crossing them in front of your abdomen the fists should face toward the body. At the same time, bend the left knee and lift your left foot up with the toes relaxed, hanging under your bottom (groin). Eyes look forward left. (Figure 4-53 and 4-53a).
Key Requirements to the Movement:
Lift the right foot while the body sinks down, with the knee bent and the hips relaxed. The upper body cooperates with the lower body. Both elbows hold "warding-off" strength and are ready to release energy. During this movement breathe in. Click here to learn Dermatomyositis in TCM.
3) Use the right leg to support the weight and centre the gravity of the body. Lean the body to the right slightly and kick the left foot out at the level of the lower waist, with your heel. The strength of kicking should come from the waist and hips. At the same time, strike both fists to the left and right side of the body and the strength should reach to the surface of the fists. (Figure 4-54)
Key Requirements to the Movement:
Keep your body balanced on the right leg while both fists and the le ft foot strike and kick out simultaneously. When the movement closes, it is like a hedgehog curling up and when the movement opens, whilst breathing out, it is like a snake striking: an explosion of Qi energy. During this movement breathe out.