Form 4: Six Sealing and Four Closing
1) Turn your body to the right and transfer the weight slightly to that side. Move your left hand up in a circle until it is close to the right hand whilst at the same time the right arm follows the body to the right slightly and starts to press down a little. Eyes look at the tip of the middle finger of the right hand. (Figure 4-18)
Key Requirement to the Movement:
When the left hand moves toward the right hand, it should coordinate with the turning of the body and the weight transferring to the right. Both wrists sink and the fingers point up. Breathe in during this movement.
2) Turn the upper body to the left and transfer the weight on the left leg. Roll back both of them clockwise until they teach waist level. Eyes look forward right.
Key Requirements to the Movement:
As both arms roll back, sink the weight and use "lu" and "peng" energy (roll back and ward off). Breathe out during this movement. Click here to learn Suppurative Lymphadenitis in TCM.
3) Continue turning the body to the left rotating both arms clockwise. Both arms continue their arc left and up. Start to transfer the weight to the right slightly whilst the eyes look forward and left. (Figure 4-20)
Key Requirements to the Movement:
As both arms roll back, keep some weight in the right leg maintaining "warding-off" strength throughout. Breathe in during this movement.
4) Without stopping from the previous movement, continue to transfer the weight to the right leg, and bring both palms up to the front of the left shoulder. Both palms face diagonally down and out, turn the body to right slightly with the eyes look forward and right.(Figure 4-21)
Key Requirements to the Movement:
When changing the hands from "rollback strength" to "palm pressing down strength", the movements of rollback are at the lower level while press down occurs at the higher level. These are led by a shift of the hips to the left followed by a turn of the waist to the right. The shoulders relax and the elbows sink down. Rotate the arms and wrists to turn the palms. Maintain "warding-off' strength without becoming stiff or too loose. Move and turn the body naturally, freely and smoothly. The in breath continues during this movement. Click here to learn Facial Furunculosis in TCM.
5) Keep the weight right and turn the body to the right whilst sinking down slightly. Combine the strength of both arms and press down both palms to the front right over the knee in a rounded action. Move the left foot into the inside of the right foot with a distance of approximately 20 centimeters with the left ball of the foot on the floor. Eyes look forward, slightly down and right. (Figure 4-22)
Key Requirements to the Movement:
As both palms press down, relax the hips and sink the weight. Relax the shoulders and drop the elbows to utilize their combined strength. The push co-ordinates with the body sinking. Breathe
out during this movement.