( GV-20 Hundred Meetings BAIHUI - Acupuncture Points ) At the junction of a line connecting the apices of the ears and the midline, 5 cun from the anterior or 7 cun from the posterior hairline respectively.
How to find
Spreading hands technique: Place the hands on both sides of the head, with the little fingers touching the apices of the ears. Join the thumbs on the midline and locate GV-20 in shallow depression on the vertex of the head (alternative location method: use an elastic tape, with the midpoint marked on it).
The symbolic counterpart to GV-20 (as the highest point on the body and in contact with heaven) is KID-1, the lowest part of the body and in contact with the earth.

0.5–1 cun transversely (subcutaneously) towards the posterior (reducing effect) or the anterior (tonifying effect). Caution: Apply pressure to head points after needle removal to avoid bleeding. Remember to remove the needle after treatment.
Calms Wind, pacifies Yang, benefits the Brain and sensory organs, calms the shen
Nourishes the Sea of Marrow; applying moxibustion raises the Yang
Special features
Meeting point with the BL, G.B., T.B. and LIV channels; Sea of Marrow point. Important point for descending the Yang (reducing needle techniques) or raising the Yang (tonifying needle techniques, moxibustion).