The symptoms of Behcet's syndrome rely on the area of the body affected. Behcet's syndrome can involve inflammation of many areas of the body. These areas include the arteries that supply blood to the body's tissues. Behcet's syndrome can also affect the veins that take the blood back to the lungs to replenish oxygen. Other areas of body that can be affected by the inflammation of Behcet's syndrome include the back of the eyes, brain, joints, skin, and bowels.
The mouth and genital ulcers of Behcet's syndrome are generally painful and tend to recur in crops. They range in size from a few millimeters to 20 millimeters in diameter. The mouth ulcers occur on the gums, tongue, and inner lining of the mouth. The genital ulcers occur on the scrotum and penis of males and vulva of women and can leavescars. Inflammation of the eye, which can involve the front of the eye causing uveitis, or the back of the eye causing retinitis, can lead to blindness. Symptoms of eye inflammation include pain, blurred vision, tearing, redness, and pain when looking at bright lights. It is very important for patients with BBeh?et's syndrome to have this sensitive area monitored by an eye specialist.