Diagnosis for Pelvic Inflammatory Disease
With pelvic inflammatory disease, if you have some symptoms that associated, one or some tests that mentioned following you should take:
To allow the doctor to examine the internal reproductive organs, there is a procedure during which a thin, lighted instrument (laparoscope) is inserted through a small cut in the lower abdomen. During this procedure, a thin, lighted instrument is inserted by your doctor through a small incision in your abdomen to view your pelvic organs.
Images of your reproductive organs are created by sound waves which is used in this test. A clear image of the pelvic cavity can be showed by this test.
Endometrial biopsy
It is a procedure, for evaluation and testing, a small sample of tissue from the lining of the uterus (endometrium) is removed. During this procedure, a small piece of your uterine lining (endometrium) is removed by your doctor for testing.
Pelvic exam
During the pelvic exam, a cotton swab is used by your doctor to take samples from your vagina and cervix. To determine the organism that's causing the infection, the samples are sent to a lab for analysis. Another common performed pelvic exam is urine test.