1. Fire-Toxin Accumulation Syndrome
Main Symptoms: It is manifested by local tumefaction in red color, burning pain, functional disturbance, aching sensation in the body, poor appetite, bitter taste in the mouth, brown urine, reddened tongue, yellowish coating, and rapid pulse.
2. Preponderant Heat and Decayed Flesh Syndrome
Main Symptoms: It is manifested by local obvious tumefaction, serious pain, and fluctuating sensation by pressure, or no disappearance of tumefaction and pain after ulceration, incomplete discharge of pus, accompanied fever, dry mouth, poor appetite, reddened tongue, yellowish coating and rapid pulse.
3. Syndrome of Downward Transmission of Damp-Toxin
Main Symptoms: It is mostly seen in the boil and ulcer in the lower leg, such as sole boil, manifested by local severe tumefaction, unobvious red color, distending pain, thin pus discharged after ulceration, or constant discharge of suppurative fluid, and lingering diffuse tumefaction, accompanied by aversion to cold, fever, aching sensation in the limbs, poor appetite, loose stool, brownurine, reddened tongue, yellowish and greasy coating, slippery and rapid pulse.