Erysipelas leads to formation of a striking red rash with elevated borders. It can be easily differentiated from the adjacent skin. The infected skin may be warm to touch. In the past, it was commonly believed that erysipelas usually affected the face. However, current studies have indicated that the skin inflammation is distributed across the body, and the legs get affected in nearly 80 percent of patients. The rash can also occur on the trunk and arms. Symptoms and signs of Erysipelas in TCM include:
1. Wind-Heat-Toxin Accumulation Syndrome
Main Symptoms: It frequently occurs on the head and face, manifested by aversion to cold, obvious fever, aching pain in the joints, superficial tumefaction with red color and burning pain in the local area, reddened tongue, thin coating, superficial and rapid pulse.
2. Syndromes of Invasion of Heat-Toxin into Blood
Main Symptoms: Severe general symptoms, accompanied by chills, fever, headache, aching sensation in the bone, constipation and scanty urine, red skin, burning sensation, serious pain, crimson tongue, thin and yellowish coating, thready and rapid pulse.
3. Damp-Heat Retention Syndrome
Main Symptoms: It frequently happens in the lower limbs, manifested by severe local tumefaction, with slightly red color, and repeated seizure, accompanied by stuffy chest, fullness in the epigastric region, poor appetite, loose stool, brown urine, reddened tongue, thin and yellow and greasy coating, soft and rapid pulse.