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The term "Neurasthenia" was coined by a scientist named George Bed. He published detailed information about this disease in his research paper named "Neurasthenia as a cause of Inebriety and Sexual Neuratshenia: Its causes, symptoms and treatment." However, it was not until 1869 that the disease came to be more popular. Many famous personalities, such as Virginia Woolf and Marcel Proust are said to have suffered from this condition.
#Zincum metallicum. [Zinc]
When in consequence of exhausting disease the recuperative powers are weakened, and the nervous weakness shows itself in backache about the region of the last dorsal vertebra, and excessive fidgetiness of the feet, Zincum may be prescribed. There is burning in the spine, formication in the calves and weak limbs. A combination of this and Picric acid called Zincum picratum has been found useful when the spinal symptoms and exhaustion are prominent. Zincum phosphide is also a suitable remedy for brain fag of business men who become haggard, pale and sleepless and suffer from depression of spirits and worry. It is well recommended by Hale.