Papulopustular acne is the most common form of acne. All acne begins with a microcomedo. That lesion may progress to a closed comedo also know as a white head or an open comedo which is also know as a black head. The microcomedo, open and closed comedo all have the potential to evolve into papules and pustules. The most common presentation is to see comedones, papules and pustules in the same area. Lesions may remain localized to the face or appear on the back, chest and upper arms.
If you have the Symptoms of
Acne--Pustules, we would say herbal medicine is a safe and effective form of treatment. At TCM Window, we offer relaxing treatments and expert guidance through the whole process. We specialize in different kinds of chronic and difficult miscellaneous diseases, we offer the best possible care in a peaceful and welcoming environment. If you would want our expert to
create a TCM diagnosis, please fill out the health form as requested.