) Ingredients: Red bean 500g, a carp (about 500g), rose 15g.
Process: Remove the sguama and bowels of the carp and then cook it with the other two ingredients till the dish is done; remove the rose and season; to be taken in several times.
2) Take 250g of celery and balsam pear respectively; cut the celery into chunks; remove the pulp and seeds of the balsam pear and cut it into pieces; scald them in the boiling water, cool down, season with moderate white sugar, benne oil and monosodium glutamate. It can be taken as a dish.
3) Ingredients: Calabash 200g, fresh ginger (with peel) 5g, 5 shallots, butters 15g.
Process: First, add in the butter; then add the calabash (remove the peel and pulp and cut into chunks) to cook with the ginger; cook in water till it is done; season with shallot and serve.
4) Take 250g of kelp and stew in water for a dish; one dose a day and avoid greasy food. Continue to learn TCM Treatment Evaluation for Ganglion Cyst.