1. Damp Heat in the Urinary Bladder:
Chief Manifestations: Frequent, dripping, and urgent urination with burning pain around the umbilicus, distending pain in the lower abdomen, and discharge of dark yellow urine, or bitter taste in the mouth and dry throat, nausea, vomiting, constipation, thin, yellow tongue coating, and soft-superficial, rapid pulse. Continue to learn Chinese medicine Treatment for Urinary Tract Infection.
2. Impairment of Blood Vessels by Heat:
Chief Manifestations: Frequent, urgent and difficult urination with stabbing pain, discharge of scanty, dark red urine, sometimes with blood clot or urethral spasm, or restlessness, lumbago with tenderness, high fever with aversion to cold, red tongue with thick, dry and yellow coating, smooth and rapid pulse.
3. Deficiency of Both the Spleen and Kidneys:
Chief Manifestations: Prolonged course with alternation in severity, aggravated by overwork and cold, less difficult and painful urination with discharge of dark yellow urine, persistent dripping urination, listlessness, dull pain in the lower abdomen, nocturia, pale tongue, and feeble and rapid pulse.