(GV-14 Great Vertebra DAZHUI - Acupuncture Points ) On the midline, below the spinous process of the 7th cervical vertebra (C7).
How to find
First, identify C7 : Place 2 fingers on the spinous processes believed to belong to C6 and C7 and ask the patient to flex and extend their head. In a fully functional spine and with correct finger placement, C6 will glide anteriorly with neck extension, while C7 will remain fixed. However, if the vertebra below the upper finger does not move with neck extension, the fingers will most probably have been placed on C7 and T1.
Locate Du-14 below the spinous process of C7.
Located on the same level are -- Ex-B-1 (dingchuan)/
S.I.-15/Ex-B (jiehexue) (0.5/2/3.5 cun lateral to GV-14).

0.3–1 cun strictly vertically to the skin or obliquely in an inferior direction, with the patient’s back straight or flexed in order to avoid puncturing the spinal canal. Oblique insertions should
only be carried out by experienced practitioners, as in small persons (irrespective of their body weight), the spinal canal may be reached after only 1.25 cun. For persistent epistaxis, place a cold metal object (for example, a spoon) or a cold cloth on GV-14.
Cupping on this point for acute colds.
Clears Wind, firms and regulates the surface, dispels pathogenic factors
Clears Heat
Calms (internal) Wind and the shen
Strengthens Qi and Yang in deficiency conditions
Benefits the spine, especially the cervical spine
Special features
Meeting point with all Yang channels, Sea of Qi point