TCM Perspective On
Coagulation DisordersIn traditional
Chinese medicine, blood disease (trouble) is formed due to four contributing factors: 1) Inborn deficiency: loss of kidney essence and hyperactivity of liver fire damaging the veins is one of the main causes of coagulation disorders. 2) Injury of the seven emotions: excessive thingking and anger can lead to depressed liver or hyperactivity of liver, resulting in the injury of veins and hemorrhage. 3) Improper diet: heavy foods alcohol may cause damp-heat damaging spleen and stomach, leading to hemorrhage. 4) Excessive fatigue: This may damage the heart, spleen, and kidney. When qi is damaged, it fail to control blood, resulting in hemorrhage.
Western Point of View
Abnormal bleeding can result from disorders of the coagulation system, of platelets, or of blood vessels. Disorders of coagulation can be acquired or hereditary. The major causes of acquired coagulation disorders are vitamin K deficiency, liver disease, disseminated intravascular coagulation, and development of circulating anticoagulants. Severe liver disease (eg, cirrhosis, fulminant hepatitis, acute fatty liver of pregnancy) may disturb hemostasis by impairing clotting factor synthesis. Because all coagulation factors are made in the liver, both the PT and PTT are elevated in severe liver disorders. (PT results are typically reported as INR.) Occasionally, decompensated liver disease also causes excessive fibrinolysis and bleeding due to decreased hepatic synthesis of α 2 -antiplasmin. The most common hereditary disorder of hemostasis is von Willebrand disease. The most common hereditary coagulation disorders are the hemophilias.