Fatty liver is also known as NASH, which stands for Non- Alcoholic Steatorrhoeic Hepatosis. Fatty liver or NASH, is very common in overweight persons, over the age of 30. It contains an excessive amount of fat and the normal healthy liver tissue is partly replaced with areas of unhealthy fats. The liver is often slightly enlarged with this fat and has a yellow greasy appearance. There may be discomfort over the liver, which is situated in the right upper abdominal area. There may be gallstones composed of cholesterol and bile salts. It is often possible to see the excess fat in the liver in an ultrasound scan of the liver. There may also be elevation of the liver enzymes. It is best to work on reversing this problem as if left unchecked poor liver function can lead to further problems such as autoimmune conditions and Diabetes type II.
Simple fatty liver
Fatty liver fibrosis
Fatty liver cirrhosis