According to the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, there are some patterns of syndrome that lead to intestinal obstruction.
1. Syndrome of Qi Stagnation in Intestines
2. Intestinal Stagnation and Accumulation Syndrome
3. Syndrome of Obstruction due to accumulation of Worms
4. Syndrome of Accumulation of Dryreesin Intesunss
5. Syndrome of Retention of Water and Obstruction of Dampness
6. Syndrome of Obstruction due to Retention of Food
7. Syndrome of Phlegmon Accumulation in Intestines
Intestinal obstruction refers to a condition in which the contents in the intestinal cavity are unable to pass through the intestine caused by torsion, spasm and paralysis of the intestine or adhesion of cord and compression by tumors, clinically characterized by abdominal pain, abdominal distension, vomiting, no flatus and no defecation, and by complicated causative reasons, changing condition, swift development and multiple complications.
It is believed in Chinese medicine that this disease belongs to the categories of "Obstruction and Rejection", "Intestinal Accumulation" and "Abdominal Distension", mostly related to improper food intake, dysfunction of the spleen in transportation, internal accumulation of dampness and heat, internal retention of stagnant blood, or stagnation of pathogenic cold, internal accumulation of dry stool, retention of roundworm, leading to failure of the purgative and descending function due to inability of qi activity,stagnation of qi and blood.