1) Includes all the male hormone tests which control testicular development, functions including normal sperm production-complete male hormone profile. The tests include prolactins, thyroids test & other relevant hormone tests L.H., F.S.H., testosterones, depending on history & examinations.
2) Scrotum & testis study of Doppler or USG.
3) Sperm Coiling Test to find out whether the particular sperm is alive or dead
4) Studies of Genetic
5) Which are done in some special cases -molecular genetic studies
6) Karyotype-Chromosome analysis
7) Testis of FNAC
8) Test of Egg penetration
9) Antibody of antisperm.
10) Scrotum & testis study of Doppler or USG.
11) Sensitivity of semen culture.
12) Test of immunobead
13) Tests of Sperm Function
14) Pellucida Binding Ratio which is Human Sperm-Zona
15) Pellucida Pentration test for Human Sperm-Zona
16) Androgen receptor assessmen
17) Fructose of semen
18) When needed, performing Combined Pituitary hormone tests