The main symptom of premature ejaculation is the inability to control and delay ejaculation. While there is no definition of how long intercourse should last, in the majority of premature ejaculation cases, the man ejaculates before entering his partner's vagina, or within a minute of entering. Symptoms of Premature ejaculation based on the theory of TCM include:
1. Pattern of Kidney Deficiency:
Yang symptoms: Premature ejaculation, backache, weak knee, hair loss, loose teeth, chills, cold, shortness aversion to cold, frequent urination, loose stools, fat tongue, deep pulse.
Yin symptoms: sweating, dry mouth, dizziness, tinnitus, dark urine, dry stool, red tongue, rapid pulse.
2. Pattern of Hyperactivity of theLiver
Yin symptoms: Premature ejaculation, dry mouth and bitter taste, yellow and dark urine, turbid urine, swelling and itches in private part, yellow tongue coating, rapid pulse.
3. Pattern of Heart and Spleen Deficiency.
Yin symptoms: Premature ejaculation, emaciation, pale complexion, fatigue, poor appetite, loose stools, palpitations, shortness of breath, spontaneous sweat, frequent dreams, pale tongue, thin pulse.