Sexual precocity, an endocrine disease, refers to the beginning of adolescence below the age of 8 in girls and enlargement of testes and penis below the age of 9 in boys. Sexual precocity is divided into true sexual precocity, false sexual precocity, complete sexual precocity and partial sexual precocity. The true sexual precocity commonly-seen in clinic refers to the premature genitals with fertility, which mostly results from the preceded functioning of hypothalamus-pituitary-gonadal axis, pertaining to axial sexual precocity and complete sexual precocity.Clinically, the incidence in girls is five times more than that of boys. Partial sexual precocity refers to the simple premature organ or region, without fertility, and is caused by development of sexual characters due to stimulation of sex hormones, mostly pertaining to false sexual precocity and (or) partial (incomplete) sexual precocity.