Fungal pneumonia is an infection of the lungs by fungi. It can be caused by either endemic or opportunistic fungi or a combination of both. Case mortality in fungal pneumonias can be as high as 90% in immunocompromised patients, although immunocompetent patients generally respond well to anti-fungal therapy. Complications of fungal pneumonia include the following:
1. Disease dissemination to other sites, such as brain, meninges, skin, liver, spleen, kidneys, adrenals, heart, eyes.
2. Blood vessel invasion, which can lead to pulmonary hemoptysis, infarction, myocardial infarction, cerebral emboli, cerebral infarction.
3. Bronchopleural or tracheoesophageal fistulas
4. Chronic pulmonary symptoms
5. Mediastinal fibrosis
6. Broncholithiasis
Pericarditis and other rheumatologic symptoms