Expert ReplyCondition analysis:
Please do not freak until you hear from your doctor. My oncologist HATES for patients to get radiologist reports prior to talking to him because they are sometimes made to sound far more dire than the scan reads. (I disagree, in a way, about not seeing the report first. I like to prepare prior to the visit.) I also know they are not always transcribed correctly. And pleural effusion may be evident but not severe?? My scans say severe emphysema, but realistically, my lung function is nearly normal. It may not be a good scan, but please wait to hear from the doctor before you freak! Hugs! I definitely understand your fear.
Iodine Tincture, the Home Remedy for Pleural Effusion: Iodine tincture is a wonderful remedy not just for pleurisy, but also for pleural effusion and empyema as well. Rub iodine tincture on your back, where it hurts, using a cotton pad. Do this procedure every night before bedtime. It’s better to ask someone to help, because you also need to relax while at it and if you fall asleep that’s even better. Continue the cure until you feel no more water dangles inside you.