Promote the flow of qi and alleviate pain.
Radix Linderae (Wuyao)7.5 g,
Rhizoma Cyperi (Xiangfu) 6 g,
Radix Angelicae Sinensis (Danggui) 3 g,
Radix Aucklandiae (Muxiang) 1.5 g,
Zhi Gan Cao 1.5 g.
Wu Yao: Promoting the flow of qi.
Xiang Fu: Promoting the flow of qi and regulating the menstruation.
Mu Xiang: Promoting the flow of qi and alleviating pain.
Dang Gui: Activating blood and regulating menstruation.
Gan Cao: Tempering the actions of all the other ingredients.
Decoct in water for oral dose to be taken twice.