This syndrome also referred to as MODS is a progressive condition normally characterized by combined failure of several major organ systems in a critically ill individual that can make it impossible to maintain homeostasis without some type of medical intervention and which is normally a complication of sepsis and is also a major factor in predicting mortality. It normally involves the collapse of at least two organ systems. MODS may include any of these listed vital systems:
-- Acute renal or kidney system
-- Liver system
-- Heart system
-- Respiratory system
-- Neurologic system
Symptoms of Multiple organ dysfunction
The following six organ systems characterize MODS and they include:
-- Hematologic
-- Respiratory
-- Renal
-- Cardiovascular
-- Neurologic
-- Hepatic
Causes of Multiple organ dysfunction
This syndrome normally occurs as a secondary phenomenon. The causes for this condition are an unrestrained inflammatory reaction or infectious response due to a severe injury or illness. Septic shock or shock which is caused by an infectious cause is the most common reason for MODS. Trauma that is severe with tissue and muscle damage also can cause this condition. There are some cases of prolonged shock-like conditions from a heart attack that is massive and can cause this syndrome.