1) Downpour of Damp Heat:
Frequent and urgent urination, fever and pain in the penis, yellow urine, bloody stranguria, gonorrhea, fever and pain of the scrotum, parorchis and testis, liquid accumulation in the scrotum, foul smell of the vulva, yellow and greasy coating, smooth and rapid pulse.
2) Stagnation of Qi-blood:
It is common in the adults. The main manifestations are swelling and pain of parorchis, swelling in the lower abdomen and Huiyin (CV 1), red and swelling of the parorchis skin, pain in the lower abdomen which is worse when moving or standing, aversion to cold, thirsty, yellow urine, constipation, dark red tongue with yellow and greasy coating, smooth and rapid pulse.
3) Deficiency of the Liver and Kidney: Hard stagnation, dull pain, dry mouth, sour and weak in the waist, red tongue with less coating, thready and rapid pulse. Continue to read Chinese medicine Treatment for Seminal Vesiculitis.