1) Sinking of qi of middle-jiao: Fullness and distending in the gastric area, or heaviness ,distention and discomfort of the abdomen, which is worse after work, lassitude, poor appetite, frequent belching, lusterless complexion, emaciation, pale tongue with thin and white coating, soft-superficial and thready or slow and weak pulse.
2) Hypoactivity of Spleen-yang: Stuffiness and swelling in the gastric area, with dull pain sometimes, which is worse after long-time standing or hard work, aversion to cold and is relieved by warmth, poor appetite, vomiting, loose stool, pale and enlarged tongue with thin and white coating, slow, thready and weak pulse. Continue to learn Chinese medicine Treatment for Stomachache.
3) Insufficiency of the Stomach-yin: Fullness and swelling in the gastric area, irritancy, which is worse after eating and work, thirsty which is relieved by drinking, bitter mouth with bad breath, constipation, dry and red lips, red tongue with less coating, thready and rapid pulse.